Life thru Pictures

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

How did you guys find me so quickly? I keep meaning to post a blog on the phatties page but keep forgetting.

Despite reading all of Joseph's blog's about the ignorant people he runs into...I'm still shocked when I actually see it happening. Today I was at Ala Moana Old Navy, standing in line. In front of me was a Caucasian mother & her young daughter (maybe 10 y.o) & behind me were several local Asian teenage girls. They were playing with the soccer balls by the check out counter & giggling as teenieboopers do. This caught the attention of the Caucasian lady. She asked them if they played sports--"no" they danced. "OH! You dance. D o you travel to the United States? I mean, do you get to travel?" "We're going to Italy." "Oh, Italy." (I think they said Italy) At this point she turns to her daughter & whispers, "difficult." The lady is smiling with a look of satisfaction similar to how one might get after talking to a 3 year old. She didn't realize the girls were not very talky because they didn't want to talk to her, & not because they couldn't talk to her. "What is it that you are anyway? Are you Asian?" "I'm Japanese." "Oh, you're not Asian? You're Japanese. (still smiling) You know, between Asians & the Hispanics, you all look the same." The girls start giggling & the lady is still smiling.

In the past several weeks I've restored my interest in stations like TLC, Discovery, NGC--all that good stuff. I also started watching this show called, "Little People, Big World." The mother, father & one son are Little People & it's about their daily lives. I also watched Hotel Rwanda last night (yes, I've been watching a lot of television) which told the story of a hotel manager who sheltered the Tusti refugees escape from the genocide happening in their country.

My point is, there are so much education out there. Something as simple as knowing that Japanese people are also Asian (& that these girls were Asian Americans, something that I would have said) seem so basic to me. But then I got to thinking of all the things I don't know I don't know. I couldn't stay irritated at her for very long.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My Dream

Many times, the my stories revolve around what I dreamt the previous night. This will be the first of probably many such entries.

The picture posted doesn't have anything to do with the dream & is actually over a year old. I just like bunnies & since I had lunch with my dad today, I decided to post a picture of the bunny he lives with. His name is Jabba. He's pretty darn cute, isn't he?

In any case, I had this dream a few nights ago & when i woke up, I had a weird feeling. I dreamt I was babysitting a co-worker's baby who was dressed up in a bear costume. It was like carrying around a big soft teddybear. I was walking around Pearlridge with Neil. I vaguely remember being in a jewerly store. I felt really guilty because i dropped off the baby to go to work at my grandma's house & when I got him, I forgot to change his diaper. In the morning I just so happened to be watching TLC's a Baby Story & checked my email to also find out that a classmate of mine just had a baby.

Okay, okay, before everyone gets all assume-y & overanalyze-y, I'm not becoming baby-crazy nor am I itching for some sparkles. So why am I sharing this dream? That's a good question. Neil believes that dreams don't mean anything. It was just a cute moment with a cute baby & a cute boyfriend. It was extra precious that the baby was in a bear costume the whole time. When the time eventually comes, my baby will definitely be in a fluffy costume. Preferrably a bunny suit.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Not sure who will read my random boogers of my brain if you will. Thought of having one after reading several of my friends' blog pages. I guess we'll give it a whirl. I've never really been too good with the journal writing thing & I'm not funny, clever or filled with tons of good stories. Just me, my thoughts & a few quirky things that happen to me are all I've got.

I really like pictures. I like taking them, I like being in them, I like the idea of capturing moments & being able to revisit them whenever I want. I have a bad memory but pictures have a way of jump starting the ol' noggin to happy times. That's another rarely takes pictures of bad or sad times. Then there are times when I wish could have been saved on film. Like, the numerous times (I think 3) I flipped over while sitting in my chair. Or the exact moment I fell in love with Neil (I can't really pinpoint it but wouldn't that be a neat idea?). How about that time I told off the professor I worked for who wasn't a very nice person (okay so at the time I wasn't very happy but it has turned out to be a moment I am quite proud of).

I suppose a part of it has to do with my hording nature. I don't want to miss a thing. If I ever feel that I'm forgetting, I can always turn back. I carry my camera wherever I go.

Well, there are more stories rolling around in my mind but we'll save some of that for later.

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