Dutch in the house with a mouse.
We got a dog. Neil got the Live thing for his Xbox. Dutch got a blue friend named Scooter & a leopard name Big Cat & a hedgehog name Jerome (i put him in the dryer & his hair got you-know-what).
I haven't updated my blog for several reasons. 1.) having responsibilities other than myself is hard. 2.) the computer is not in the living room...where the tv is. 3.) the internet wasn't working on my computer for a long time. 4.) though life is busy, it hasn't been exactly exciting, blog-worthy stuff.
Funny/Sad story. This morning I woke up, Neil was in the bathroom. I open the bedroom door & who is sitting outside our door? The Dutch. He had escaped from his kennel & had a nice time waiting for us to wake up. This was the second time he had done it & i'm pretty sure it was my fault both times. Anyhow, the last time Dutch escaped from his kennel in the morning, I was also surprised to see that the bunny had also made an escape from his cage & was also running around in the back yard. I thought someone was playing a trick on us. This morning, there was the dog but fortunately no rabbit out but instead, a tiny little mousey was sitting on top of the bunny's cage. I think he was hurt cause he didn't run. He was however scared enough when the dog caught sight of it to run to the other side of the cage on the ground. tragic story short, I started freaking out when he had the mouse in his mouth, started shaking it around then ran back into the house to play with his mouse.
As a side note, i have a fear of dead mice ever since I had accidently picked up a dead one from the bottom of our washing machine, not knowing what it was. I was so freaked out, i let the cycle run until neil came home & when he did, that thing was in the spin cycle. Needless to say, we ran an empty load before actually doing any real laundry.
This was the mouse before he went into Dutch's mouth. Cute yah? Goodbye mouse friend. Dutch is sorry too.