Feels like this year is all about changes. Marriage, a new home, a new family, (maybe a new job!?--a post for that a little later when things are more clear). In the past month we've been in the process of buying a new home. In the past 2 months, we've been working on creating a more solid relationship foundation for our marriage (i.e. Engaged Encounter & our new marriage counseling class). In the past 5 months we've been busy trying to organize a wedding. It's been tough.
However, what I've realized was how well we work together. We both have strengths & weaknesses & fortunately, we usually compliment each others weakness with a strength. For example, Neil is really good at talking to people, gathering details & understanding complex information. My job is to organize all this info & keep our commitments straight. I am also pretty easy to stress myself out & feel overwhelmed. Neil keeps me calm & reframes a situation in a positive light.
I can't believe how quickly we've all become "domesticated." This was also a change that seemed to happen overnight. This shock I'm sure will soon wear off once we start having kids but I think I'm getting ahead of myself.