Life thru Pictures

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Yuck. I've been sick. Not just *cough, cough* *sniff, sniff* sick, but running to the bathroom every hour. I've never been sick like this before. Of course everyone knows of my bathroom issues because of my lactose intolerance problem. However, this sickness kicked my ass (literally & figuratively). I pooped until there was nothing left but water.

So I slept. I also watched tv. My body is restless & is sore. I am weak because I've been getting by on 2 soup "meals," powerade & water. I'm hungry because food on tv looks delicious but I have no desire to eat.

I went to Walmart today to pick up some pictures & grab some more gaterade & it was a chore. I love Walmart but unfortunately, I couldn't really enjoy the little excursion. It has also been hot. SOOOO hot. Napping is interrupted by waking in a puddle of sweat.

To make it even worse, Neil is gone until next weekend & is not here to take care of me. :) I'm getting pretty tired again...I think I'll watch a movie or something. The picture posted is one that melissa & I took when we were in Budapest. Notice how there's a shelf where the poop lands. This is where one can inspect their poop to make sure it's "healthy." It also looks like it saves water.


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